Archive for furry

On The Ledge

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on July 2, 2012 by littlemissfur

…while you’re so damn polite and composed.

Oh hi blog i completely forgot about until right now. Honestly, i just wanted to come back to a place where i can write out things in my life that are making me want to go into a tizzy.

Well, let’s see, where to start….

A few weeks ago i went to a church camp. Here, i had a lot happen. I became the happiest person there for some time. Why? I received a prayer from a man whom my friend, Giraffe, knew very well. Every year she has gone he’s prayed for her, and this year was my first so he decided to pray for me as well.

I pretty much cried like a little bitch. Why? Because this man knew nothing about me but managed to know that my greatest fear was being like my mother. God told him to tell me that i would not e like her, and be provided a husband in years to come.

Now, i understand some people may think thats a load a shit, but to me it struck home. All i want in my life is to love and be loved. Why? Well, my mom is a very bitter woman after what happened to her. She’s constantly grumpy, and still loves my father you left her.

I pray all the time for that not to happen to me. I don’t want to fall in love and have my heart broken into thousands of pieces unable to be mended because i’m cold and lifeless now. So yeah. Hearing that at church camp made me pretty happy.

Will it happen? Who knows but the big man upstairs.

On the other hand a good friend of mine likes me, but i don’t like him in that way. Ugh. Relationships are so…..effing confusing and dumb!!!

//teenage rant over//

On a completely different matter, FURSONAS xD Any Furs out there who care to share what their fursona is? Silver Fox present, but anyone who may have glanced at these already knows that. I’m still working on making a reference of her soon, but i’ll get there.

I don’t have much else to say now that i’ve ranted some.

Song of the day?

Day….oh who cares now, honestly. xD

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on November 30, 2011 by littlemissfur

I said it before and i’ll say it again. I’m horrible at keeping journals or anything of the like. So much has happened since i last posted i don’t even know where to begin. So i’ll start with everyone’s favorite little thing. Relationships.

This Thanksgiving wasn’t very thankful. My uncle, whom i love to death, made a small dinner for his ex GF. See. My uncle and aunt had some issues last year, during which he met with another woman. And then the dumbass makes her a small dinner and takes it to her, even though he’s back with my aunt. His wife. I love him, but he’s really making stupid decisions right now. But alas, there is nothing this fox can do about it.

So here’s the blurb today: why can’t anyone be faithful these days? I mean, i’m not saying everyone out there is cheating, jut that it happens a lot. And what for? To get even? For fun? Because you, and i quote someone “Just could” really people? What’s wrong with you.

I know so many people who think gay marriage and relationships are wrong, but as i look around, i see more successful relationships there than with normal relationships. IT pisses me off how other will put the gays and lezi’s down for what they do, when the people putting them down can’t even get their own relationship in order. It seems highly hypocritical to me. (Just for clarification, i am a straight girl thank you, but i believe love is love, no matter who it’s with. AND i’m Christian, so stick that in your juice box and suck it!)

Anyway. I guess i’m just tired of seeing the world go to shit in general, but if love is really all we need, why do people do stupid things and ruin it? Haha, maybe i’m just bitter at being alone xD JK, i don’t mind really. Well, i do, but i live with it. Unless i know theres a man out there who can handle all my “salsa” i’m perfectly happy alone.

So, to anyone who reads this, here’s my question: What irks you about relationships today? Feel free to comment, please, i think this could turn into an interesting discussion. 

On another note, i was accepted into my community college today. Not a miracle, but it brought a little bit of joy into my life. I also had a tremendous amount of fun playing Just Dance with my Anime & Gamer’s club after school today. I failed horribly at it, but it was fantastic nonetheless. I look forward to doing it again soon.

Song of the day~

As always, your little Furry Fox,

~Miss Fur


Day three: I’m Genie In A Bottle

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on November 17, 2011 by littlemissfur

Well, it seems as though i’m terrible at keeping up with this blog. Thats probably another reason why i have, like, 6 unused diaries in my room. I was always horrible at trying to keep up with them. And, to add to this, my internet will likley be shut of in a number of days because we (my mother and myself) cannot pay it at this time.

I have such fantastic timing for creating such a thing, non? Well, besides the point. I decided to talk a little bit about music today.

You may have noticed the title. Does anyone remember that song by Christina Aguilera? I do, it was one of my favorite songs when i was younger. Of course, now i relaize how dirty the song truly is. Several songs that i loved when i was younger i not noticed are completely sexual and i thought to myself, why on earth did my mother let me listen to this?

So right now, i’m going to examine three of my favorite songs when i was a youngster.

Number one:  Everybody by Backstreet Boys (Yes, i AM a Backstreet Boys and N*Sync girl. I still listen to the CD’s on a regular basis)


Ok, this one is a little more subtle, but still, the sexual innuendo is there. My mother was in love with these guys, just as i was. So, i know exactly why i came to love them, as well as this song. But you gotta admit, having a 7 year old singing this around Wal-Mart is a little odd, especially when she sings “Am I sexual?” xD

Next, Genie In A Bottle by Christina Aguilera.

Alright, do i need to explain the sexuality in this? I mean, LOOK at her dance. Her body just screams “Take me on the floor” I remember me and my friend “Panda” (Once again, name changed to protect the innocent) watching this video all the time because we idolized her so much. And now i’m think “Wow, my friend and i were almost like mini-sluts.”

But this next one has to be the best…Bonanza by Akon

Granted, this song came out in 07 to which i was in 6th or 7th grade, but at this time, i didn’t really pay attention to the lyrics of this song, i merely loved the beat. I danced around the house all the time listening to this song, just cuz i loved to shake my ass to this song.  I had completely forgotten about this song until a while back when i was watching Fired Up and heard this song.

So i went to Youtube and had a whole epiphany about it, then listened to the lyrics. It’s a wonder i haven’t turned into an actual whore. And once again, i wonder why my mother ever let me listen to such things.

Parenting. Ah, a wondrous job, but definitely not for the feint of heart.

Well, that was my little rant for today. Tomorrow i have Study Hall, which is for what? Goofing Off! I’ll try to make a post, but i’m also attempting to keep this blog from actual people i know, and since Domino is in there, he would likely steal my computer just to be a dick.

Ah, young love. xD

Well. Until the last rose dies,

~Miss Fur



Day One: Well, This Is Awkward

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on November 13, 2011 by littlemissfur

Well, hello there. I suppse right now, i’m merely talking to the screen. And myself i suppose. But make no mistake, i am not crazy. No…thats not true, i am, indeed crazy, to an extent i suppose. Everyone is a little crazy in their own way. Were we not, we’d all be a bunch of boring people.  Boring is too normal, and normal, well, normal is just another form of suicide as i always say. Yes, you can quote me on that.

But i suppose, in order to quote me, you’d actually have to know me, right? Well then. My real name, shall remain a mystery to everyone. However, in case anyone actually wastes their time reading my words, you can call me Miss Fur. “Miss Fur? That sounds weird.” Why yes, it probably does. While i’m at it, i’ll go ahead and say it. I’m a Furry. Don’t know what a Furry is? Well then, you’re missing out! Haha, not really. But allow me to elaborate, cuz if you go off in search of what a “Furry” is, you might very well get the wrong idea, as so many others have.

Furry: A person who enjoys anthropomorphic animals.  What does that mean? Well, i assume everyone knows who Bugs Bunny is, and if not, you have some serious problems and should probably consult a therapist. Anyways, Bugs Bunny. He’s a bunny, but he walks and talks like a human. In a strange and deluded sense, Bugs Bunny is a Furry. (To be honest…i blame him as well as Tom & Jerry and many other child cartoons for my Furry self, but i digress, this is of no importance).

So, thats a short version of Furry. When you search it, you might see some more “suggestive” things. Yes, there’s Furry porn. Just like theres Gay porn, Normal porn, and even Pokemon porn. Why? Well, everyone has a sick part of their mind. (Pokephelia… just wrong…just…..wrong). Furries get a bad wrap for this, saying we’re horrible people. We like beastality and dream of having creepy Furry sex all day long.

You know what? It’s a lie. Not all of us think about doing it doggy-style in the back of a truck every day. We are admittedly, human. So of course we think about sex. I mean, c’mon. It’s SEX. As an 18 year old, i do recognize my hormones, thank you very much.

Oh dear, i seem to have gotten off topic. And here i was worried that i wouldn’t be able to figure out what to talk about. I’m not even sure why i decided to write this blog. Boredom perhaps? Maybe. But i guess it’s just to let off a little steam, speak my mind, and eventually, get some feed back. I enjoy writing, and this is a more productive way for me to do it i guess.  Plus, i often have some interesting days that i’d like to share with others. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, just like everyone else in the world.

Well now. You know now the following: I’m a Furry, a silver fox to be exact. I’m also 18, and a female. And while we’re at it, i’ll let you in on another secret: i’m a high school senior currently. Shocking, non? Lol, not really so shocking i bet. We teenage girls always enjoy getting ourselves into a little mischief every once in a while, keeps things interesting.

Not bad for a first blog. You learned something new! But for now, i’m going to sign off. I look forward to talking to some of you readers. Maybe i’ll even get a comment or two! Probably not, but it’s an interesting thought. If you’ll excuse me, i must go continue reading a Manga i just recently got hooked on. “Whats Manga?” you ask? Look it up my empty audience, Google can be a great thing i can assure you.

Until the ‘morrow,

~ Miss Fur